
the last leg of xprod’s journey is to a far-flung dallas suburb called cambridge, ma

i. c. c. young is a retired community in dallas. their facilities are quite remarkable, and they are expanding. they allow xprod to perform as part of a number of public performances over weeks, some of which involve actual music students at nearby schools. xprod speak with the receptive audience afterward, and those members who do not live at the community are quick to mention it as if being old were some sort of indictment

ii. anticipation xprod worship, devour leftovers, and clean the house. their flight is delayed, but they decide to leave early anyway

iii. a clear night xprod hang out at dfw for some time, some watching tv shows, some doing work, some playing board games, some taking the intra-airport rail to other terminals out of curiosity. the night is clear in dallas, and both windows provide a stunning night view of the metroplex, a mess of crisscrossing lines of light from downtown to the furthest suburbs spanning over a dozen counties. of the seven million people there, xprod could only briefly impact the lives of but a handful

iv. a rainy night the sky is clear across northeastern texas, arkansas, and southeastern missouri, but clouds blanket the rest of the way. when xprod land, they are greeted by anticipation for break it down boston the next day, cold rain, difficulty obtaining rideshare services, and anxiety from return to work